Geri Dönüş Kredisi (Bounced Back Loan)
Geri Donus kredisi” (Bounced Back Loan) konusunda, tanidigimiz bir muhasebe firmasindan (Audacc) detayli bilgiler geldi, bu bilgileri sizinle paylasiyorum. Cok yararli ve guncel bilgiler var. Size de yardimci olacagini umarim.
Herkesin zorlu gunlerden gectigi bu gunlerde biraz da olsa destek olacagina inandigimiz ve kriz doneminde ihtiyaclarin giderebileceginizi umut ediyoruz. Bu Kredinin adı ‘Bounce Back Loan’. 27 Nisanda maliye bakanın yaptığı açıklamada devlet destekli yeni bir kredi duyuruldu. Bu kredi başvuruya açılmıştır. Muracat icin asagidaki link uzerinden yapabilsiniz.
‘Geri Dönüş Kredisi’ ismindeki bu kredi programı, küçük ve orta ölçekli işletmelerin £2.000 ile £50.000 arasında borç almasına yardımcı olacaktır. Hükümet kredinin % 100’ünü garanti edecek ve ilk 12 ay boyunca ödenecek herhangi bir ücret veya faiz olmayacak. 12 Aydan sonra yıllık faiz oranı %2,5 dir. Kredi vadeleri 6 yıla kadar mümkün olacaktır.
2019 yilinda beyan edilmis finansal raporlarinizdaki Turnover yani Brut Satis/Gelir tutari baz alinacaktir , 01 Ocak 2019 dan sonra kurulan sirketler icin eger finansal raporlar yoksa tahmini Turnover kullanilacaktir. £50,000 gecmemek sartiyla bu Turnover rakaminin maximum %25 i kredi olarak bankalardan talep ediliyor.
Hükümet, kredinin kalan süresi için düşük faiz oranını kabul ettirmek için kredi verenlerle birlikte çalışacaktır.
Bu kredi seçeceğinin getirilme sebebi; daha önce duyurulan Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan’na başvuran yeni ve küçük ölçekli işletmelere bankalar tarafından dayatılan şartların zorluğu idi.
Örneğin 12 aylık kârlı gelir gider hesapları veya en az 12 aydır ticari faaliyette olmak veya gelecek için proje gelir gider hesapları..
Program, banka ve finans gruplarından oluşan borç verenler ağı aracılığıyla sunulacaktır. Yani başvurular diğer devlet destekli krediler de olduğu gibi bu ağa katılmayı kabul eden banka veya finans gruplarına yapılacaktır.
Uygunluk koşulları şunlardır:
* İngiltere merkezli bir iş sahibi olmak
* Koronavirüsten işleri olumsuz etkilenmiş olmak
* Bu kredi işletmenin ticari kazancının %25 veya en fazla £50,000 olacak
* 1 Mart 2020 den once kurulan sirketler icin gecelidir.
* Self Empolyed kisilerde muracat edebilir
* 31 Aralık 2019’da ticari açıdan zorlukta olmamak. Yani Aralık ayındaki ticari faaliyetiniz bu krediye başvururken baz alınacak.
* Buda £50,000 kredi almak icin yıllık en az £200,000 giro yapmış olmanız anlamına geliyor. Aralık 2019 ayında en az £16,667 ticari kazanç-Turnover (kâr değil) yapmış olmalısınız demek.
Chancellor Rishi Sunak has announced a £50,000 bounce back loans for small businesses affected by the corona virus outbreak.
• Offer of 100% guarantees by government on bounce back loans
• Companies will be able to apply free of interest for the first 12 months, up to the value of 25% turnover with a cap of £50,000
• Loans will be available from 09.00 am next Monday (4 May 2020), will not be subject to business liability or any other criteria apart from fraud checks.
• Standard form and funds available with 24 hours of approval…/apply-for-a-coronavirus-bounce-back-lo…
Your business must be able to self declare to the lender that it:
has been impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
was not a business in difficulty at 31 December 2019 (if it was, you must confirm your business complies with additional state aid restrictions under de minimis state aid rules)
is engaged in trading or commercial activity in the UK and was established by 1 March 2020
is not using the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS), the Coronavirus Large Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CLBILS) or the Bank of England’s Covid Corporate Financing Facility Scheme (CCFF), unless the Bounce Back Loan will refinance the whole of the CBILS, CLBILS or CCFF facility
is not in bankruptcy or liquidation or undergoing debt restructuring at the time it submits its application for finance
derives more than 50% of its income from its trading activity (this requirement does not apply to charities or further-education colleges) is not in a restricted sector (see below)
The Bounce Back Loan Scheme (BBLS) is a new scheme designed to enable businesses to access finance more quickly during the coronavirus outbreak.
Using the buttons below, select the option that’s most relevant to you.
The Bounce Back Loan Scheme (BBLS) provides financial support to businesses across the UK that are losing revenue, and seeing their cashflow disrupted, as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak and that can benefit from £50,000 or less in finance.
The scheme is a part of a wider package of government support for UK businesses and employees. Read more at the Government’s Business Support website.
BBLS is available through a range of British Business Bank accredited lenders and partners, listed on the British Business Bank website.
A lender can provide a six-year term loan from £2,000 up to 25% of a business’ turnover. The maximum loan amount is £50,000.
The scheme gives the lender a full (100%) government-backed guarantee against the outstanding balance of the facility (both capital and interest).
The borrower always remains fully liable for the debt.
Finance of up to £50,000 Guarantee to the lender to encourage them to lend Government pays interest and fees for 12 months Affordable interest rate. Loans range from £2,000 up to 25% of a business’ turnover. The maximum loan amount is £50,000. The scheme provides the lender with a full (100%), government-backed guarantee against the outstanding balance of the finance (both capital and interest).
The borrower remains 100% liable for the debt. The Government will make a Business Interruption Payment (BIP) to cover the first 12 months of interest payments.
The borrower does not have to make any repayments for the first 12 months. The interest rate for the facility is set at 2.5% per annum, meaning businesses will all benefit from the same, affordable rate of interest. Finance terms Security No guarantee fees for businesses or lenders.
The length of the loan is six years but early repayment is allowed, without early repayment fees. Lenders are not permitted to take personal guarantees or take recovery action over a borrower’s personal assets (such as their main home or personal vehicle). There is no fee to access the scheme for either businesses or lenders.
BBLS for businesses – how businesses can apply for the scheme
BBLS: current accredited lenders – list of lenders already providing finance through the scheme
BBLS for accredited lenders – information for lenders on how to provide finance through the scheme
Become a BBLS accredited lender – details of accreditation for prospective lenders